Final Slam 2 development is underway. Behold the teaser:
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Yes, I am accepting custom configs for the preset fighters in the game. However, I am not mass-promoting this. Unlike the first Final Slam. To get more info on the game and on the custom configs and to try the preview version, please go to the official Final Slam 2 page. To get updates on the game, please like the Final Slam 2 facebook page. You can email me your custom configs [ josh_tamugaia at yahoo dot com ] or PM me on Newgrounds or comment here. Email would be the fastest.
The direction of the game is currently to be decided. Release date is also to be decided.
If you would like to help out with the game, you are most welcome as well! Just PM me here or email me [ josh_tamugaia at yahoo dot com ].
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Haha. Cool!